Science, Children Shaina Hickman Science, Children Shaina Hickman

A Comprehensive Approach to Alleviating Fight or Flight Stress in Children

As parents and dedicated pediatric chiropractors, we have witnessed the struggles that countless children face – battles against unresolved anxiety, poor sleep, low immunity, and inflammation, despite the tireless efforts of you parents striving to support your child’s health. This struggle leaks into their behavior, marked by frequent meltdowns and an inability to self-calm or regulate. These persistent challenges may be indicative of a constant activated stress response causing struggles for their delicate nervous systems.

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Children, Babies, Science Shaina Hickman Children, Babies, Science Shaina Hickman

Understanding and Managing Chronic Constipation in Children

While talking about poop may bring laughter to kids and parents alike, when your child faces chronic constipation, it becomes a serious concern. Recent research suggests that approximately 25-30% of children experience constipation, impacting their overall well-being. More than a digestive issue, chronic constipation is often a symptom of an underlying problem linked to various childhood conditions such as autism, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, developmental delays, and ADHD.

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Science, Children Shaina Hickman Science, Children Shaina Hickman

The Top 10 Questions Parents Have About Pediatric Chiropractic

We bring a very unique approach to health care not offered by any other kind of practitioner. We are not only distinctly different from traditional pediatricians and medical doctors, but we also differ from natural medicine, functional medicine, wellness doctors, and traditional movement-based therapies like PT and OT. 

What makes pediatric chiropractic most unique is our 100% focus on the central and autonomic nervous systems. The nervous system is an intricate network that encompasses the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, and millions of nerves that branch from the NeuroSpinal network to every tissue, organ, and cell in the body. 

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Children, Science Shaina Hickman Children, Science Shaina Hickman

Antibiotics and Kids: What Parents Need to Know About Side Effects

As parents, the well-being of our children is our top priority, so we are always trying to stay informed about the choices we make for their health. Today, we dive into a topic that affects countless families – the use of antibiotics in infants and young children. Antibiotics can play a pivotal role in saving lives, but as parents, we must be aware of their potential impact on our children’s health. This blog aims to empower and educate on the far-reaching effects of antibiotics.

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Children Shaina Hickman Children Shaina Hickman

Speech Delay: Understanding and Addressing it in Children

Speech delay refers to when a child’s language and communication skills develop more slowly than typically expected. It can manifest in various forms, such as difficulty in making sounds, forming words, or understanding spoken language. Many children with speech delay may also have individual words, but struggle to make them clear and to string words together into sentences and conversations. 

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Children, Adult Care Shaina Hickman Children, Adult Care Shaina Hickman

Nasal Congestion

Imagine that every single time the weather changes even just a little bit (hello, Midwesterners every day), your child’s sinuses and nasal passage get jammed up, and they’re instantly congested. Now imagine that every single time they’re around another child who is even slightly teething, battling a cold, or has some seasonal allergies, they get instant nasal congestion as well. 

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Children, Postpartum, Babies Shaina Hickman Children, Postpartum, Babies Shaina Hickman

A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Your Infant's Development

In the initial few months of life, infants undergo remarkable transformations. However, encountering issues such as colic, constipation, or reflux can lead to countless sleepless nights, which may make you wonder if your struggles are normal or if others are facing the same challenges. While each infant is unique, has good days and bad days, and develops at their own pace, understanding the typical small behaviors and milestones can give parents the confidence they need to get help for their babies or the confidence to stay the course.

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Children, Science Shaina Hickman Children, Science Shaina Hickman

Growing Pains Unveiled

Growing pains, a term coined for the aches and discomfort experienced during childhood growth, are a common occurrence affecting many children. However, these pains often remain misunderstood or misdiagnosed due to their elusive nature.

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Children, Science, Adult Care Shaina Hickman Children, Science, Adult Care Shaina Hickman

Uncover the Root Causes of Seasonal Allergies

Imagine a world where your child no longer has to endure the relentless struggles of seasonal allergies – the constant congestion, irritation, and the endless cycle of medications with their undesirable side effects. What if you could delve deeper and unearth the true underlying cause of seasonal allergies, going beyond the conventional opinions of pediatricians and even holistic health practitioners? If you’ve exhausted every avenue, from over-the-counter medications to natural remedies, and still find your child suffering, then this is tailored specifically for you.

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Science, Children Shaina Hickman Science, Children Shaina Hickman

The Connection Between Vagus Nerve and Neurological Disorders

When this remarkable nerve faces dysfunction, it sets the stage for a cascade of neurological challenges, some of which might be more familiar than you think. The scientific evidence is compelling – Vagus Nerve Disorders and Dysfunction are closely tied to a range of neurological conditions in children. Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, and even Epilepsy or Seizures are just a few examples. But how does this connection work?

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