Adult Care, Babies, Pregnancy Shaina Hickman Adult Care, Babies, Pregnancy Shaina Hickman

HRV Technology: A Breakthrough in Preconception and Fertility Care

Preconception is the period before a couple actively tries to conceive a child. It involves preparing the body and creating the best environment for a healthy pregnancy and baby. This can include factors such as regulating the nervous system, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing pre-existing medical conditions, addressing nutritional needs, and reducing exposure to potential toxins and risks. Preconception care aims to enhance the chances of a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.

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Children Shaina Hickman Children Shaina Hickman

Speech Delay: Understanding and Addressing it in Children

Speech delay refers to when a child’s language and communication skills develop more slowly than typically expected. It can manifest in various forms, such as difficulty in making sounds, forming words, or understanding spoken language. Many children with speech delay may also have individual words, but struggle to make them clear and to string words together into sentences and conversations. 

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Science Shaina Hickman Science Shaina Hickman

Sympathetic Nervous System

The human body is a complex and highly organized system, and at the center of all these functions is the nervous system. This remarkable system plays a crucial role in our daily lives, regulating everything from our heartbeat and breathing to our thoughts and emotions – it is air traffic control of all the other major bodily systems. 

One of the key components of the nervous system is the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), which is responsible for the body’s rapid response to various situations.  Your sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear when you’re stressed, in danger, or doing something physical. It makes your heart beat faster, helps you breathe better, sharpens your vision, and puts the brakes on things like digestion. 

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Shaina Hickman Shaina Hickman

Understanding and Navigating Nervous System Dysregulation

Have you ever found yourself feeling constantly fatigued, on edge, or easily irritated? Are you struggling to decipher your child’s ever-changing moods and behaviors? If so, you’re not alone. Many families today face the daily challenge of living with nervous system dysregulation,

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Science Shaina Hickman Science Shaina Hickman

Vagus Nerve Function

The Vagus Nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve or CN X, is the longest nerve in the body and plays a crucial role in the function of the autonomic nervous system. It extends from the brainstem down to various organs, including the heart, lungs, and digestive system. Responsible for regulating essential bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, and breathing, it also influences emotional and cognitive processes. 

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Adult Care, Pregnancy, Postpartum Shaina Hickman Adult Care, Pregnancy, Postpartum Shaina Hickman

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy During Therapy

Pregnancy can be an amazing time for you and your body. For some, it comes with the wonder of growing a new being inside of your body, glowing skin, and a luxurious full head of hair.  For others, it can be movement-restricting, painful, and struggling with some incredible constipation. Between hormone variation and the progressive movements of your pelvis throughout pregnancy to accommodate this new bundle of joy, it can keep you guessing what may be coming next. Knowing the progression of events and how to keep your body moving optimally can assist with a positive pregnancy and delivery experience. You can see a physical therapist (PT) who specializes in pelvic health to help guide you through this process.

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Children, Adult Care Shaina Hickman Children, Adult Care Shaina Hickman

Nasal Congestion

Imagine that every single time the weather changes even just a little bit (hello, Midwesterners every day), your child’s sinuses and nasal passage get jammed up, and they’re instantly congested. Now imagine that every single time they’re around another child who is even slightly teething, battling a cold, or has some seasonal allergies, they get instant nasal congestion as well. 

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Adult Care, Science Shaina Hickman Adult Care, Science Shaina Hickman

From Chaos to Calm: 3 Health Hacks to Manage Mom Stress and Tension

With the insider tips and tricks that I've been able to share with hundreds of patients, you can tackle motherhood feeling like a whole new person. You'll be the kind of mom who can handle anything that comes your way, all while exuding a sense of mystical energy. You'll be able to sleep without constant anxiety and stress and without the tension that so many moms feel in the "mom zone" - the area between your shoulders and at the base of your neck. I’m going to dig into the causes of this stress and tension and how to alleviate it so that you can be the best mom possible.

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Babies, Science Shaina Hickman Babies, Science Shaina Hickman

Cracking the Code on Colic

Are you a new parent struggling with a colicky baby?  Does it feel like your little one is constantly crying, arching their back, and having difficulty sleeping and soothing? If so, you are not alone, and this blog is here to provide you with valuable insights and natural solutions to tackle infantile colic head-on. 

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Children, Postpartum, Babies Shaina Hickman Children, Postpartum, Babies Shaina Hickman

A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Your Infant's Development

In the initial few months of life, infants undergo remarkable transformations. However, encountering issues such as colic, constipation, or reflux can lead to countless sleepless nights, which may make you wonder if your struggles are normal or if others are facing the same challenges. While each infant is unique, has good days and bad days, and develops at their own pace, understanding the typical small behaviors and milestones can give parents the confidence they need to get help for their babies or the confidence to stay the course.

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